Local seo Looker Studio report is a part of Google Marketing Platform that helps small and medium-sized businesses to track the performance of their SEO campaign.
In this Innocams blog post, let’s discuss this useful tool to find out how it can give local SEO a leg-up in local search results.
Let’s move.
What is Looker Studio
Looker Studio (formerly Google Data Studio) is a free web-based application from Google that allows users to create interactive dashboards and reports from data.
There is a paid version of this tool too namely Looker Studio Pro.
But we will discuss the free version in this blog post.
Looker Studio: Key Takeaways
- It’s a data analysis and report visualisation tool from Google.
- It’s easy to use.
- It’s free, though there is a paid version too.
- Doesn’t require programming or statistical skills.
- It is very user-friendly.
- It seamlessly integrates useful tools like Google Analytics, Tag Manager etc.
- Anyone can create reports, visualisations and connectors in Looker Studio. So it will give you access to expert guidance and suggestions.
Features of Looker Studio
Looker Studio helps local SEO in several ways. Here are some of the key features of this free tool from Google.
Data Source Variety
Looker Studio offers getting data for visualised reports and dashboards from a variety of sources like databases without any complicated coding.
This means, a local SEO executive can view the status of his campaign in real time. Local SEO utilises a wide range of fronts to increase a brand’s search visibility.
A local SEO Looker Studio report will show data from sources like:
- Google Ads, Google Analytics, Search Ads 360 etc.
- Google Sheets, YouTube and Search Console.
- Social media platforms like Facebook, twitter (now X) etc.
Easy Sharing Feature
You can share your report with literally anyone or send it via scheduled emails easily. This feature enables you to connect with others for viewing or editing your report.
This team working facility may give you new insights into your SEO campaign. You can use these insights to make your SEO drive more forceful and effective.
Data Visualisation Feature
Looker Studio also allows you to visualise your data through charts and maps. This visualisation technique increases the readability of your report and provides it with an aesthetic dimension.
Report Creation Feature
You can use Looker Studio to create comprehensive reports using your data. The use of maps, tables and charts will again make your reports impressive and clear.
This aesthetic quality and usefulness of your reports will attract engagement from the viewers and your team members.
What is Local SEO Looker Studio Report
A Local SEO Looker Studio report is a data visualisation of your local SEO performance. This report may help you track the progress of your SEO campaign and identify areas where improvement is necessary.
Business Intelligence and data visualisation are two key local SEO components that help an SEO executive gauge a local company’s key KPIs, improve user experience and ranking in online searches as part of a robust SEO campaign.
Allowing data integration from multiple sources like Google Analytics, Google Sheets etc, Looker Studio can offer a simple tool to analyse some key SEO KPIs.
Importance of Local SEO
Local SEO is the process of optimising a local business’s pages so they can get a higher visibility in search results and attract potential local target market.
Unlike general SEO, local SEO focuses on tapping the local market potential. It is especially favourable to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Due to lack of resources and networks, SMEs cannot compete with multinational giants and need to target their local customers.
An effective local SEO campaign can increase an SME’s online visibility in local searches. A higher SERP ranking means better visibility that may help an SEM tap the local target market areas and sell its product or service to local people.
How Looker Studio Report Can Help Local SEO
A Looker Studio report can serve a local SEO project several purposes. Here are some of the key uses of this tool in a local SEO endeavour.
It Saves Time
An effective local SEO strategy must incorporate better time management. Lengthy reports, complicated Excel files or PowerPoint files are time consuming processes.
But Looker Studio offers an easy report creation and sharing system that cuts down the report creation and data analysis time drastically.
The saved time can then be used on other important SEO actions.
The effective data analysis facilitates quick decision making and speeds up the entire SEO process considerably.
It Facilitates Better SEO Analysis
Local SEO Looker Studio report also simplifies data processing and helps you measure your local business’s key KPIs.
Apart from saving time, this tool will help you analyse your SEO progress and get a clear picture of your brand’s basic KPIs for quick and effective SEO decision making.
A thorough analysis of your local SEO strategies will help you find out areas where your SEO drive needs improvement.
It Helps identify Areas for Improvement
A Looker Studio report helps SEO executives do a thorough analysis of their SEO strategies. This helps them identify areas where their SEO campaigns need improvement.
This insight further helps them take steps to enhance their local SEO campaigns and make them more effective.
Easy Data Connecting and Sharing
Looker Studio reports also help SEO executives connect data from various sources and share the reports with their clients, who can manipulate data using the executives’ control.
Looker Studio also allows integration of various SEO tools like Google Analytics, Search Console etc for a better SEO campaign.
Local SEO Looker Studio report helps measure the traffic to the site, its overall visibility in the SERPs and effectiveness of the use of keywords.
These valuable insights may help local SEO executives take necessary steps quickly to plug loopholes in their SEO campaigns to make it more effective.
Looker Studio and SEO Analysis
Data analysis to understand the progress of a local SEO campaign is a vital optimisation component. It helps an SEO executive analyse the basic KPIs of a local business.
By carving up data, collected from various sources, Looker Studio simplifies the data analysis and presents different data in a single report.
Sharing it with your team may yield valuable insights which might evade you otherwise.
Here are some key functionalities of this versatile free tool from Google.
- Compiling data from various sources in one single report for easier comprehension.
- Speed up the discovery process.
- Enhance the overall SEO effectiveness.
- Filtering data to fit your local SEO needs.
Looker Studio offers the following key analyses a local SEO executive must conduct for a robust SEO campaign.
The Competitor Analysis
Competitor analysis is one of the most crucial jobs for a local SEO executive. It provides valuable insights into your position in respect to your rival local companies.
Looker Studio offers a robust competitor analysis facility and helps local business pages rank higher in the SERP.
This analysis shows the weakness and strengths of your rival companies’ websites. You can know the target keywords your competitors are using for higher SERP rank.
This insight may provide a gap analysis and improve your keyword strategies.
The Backlinks Analysis
Local SEO Looker Studio report also helps an SEO executive to analyse the backlink profile of a client’s pages.
Backlinks are a crucial ranking metric for search engines like Google. By understanding the quality and quantity of backlinks to their clients’ pages, SEO executives can improve the backlink status for a higher SERP ranking.
High quality backlinks from authority sites may bring in valuable referral traffic to your local business website, which will improve its chances of getting a higher SERP rank.
The Search Intent Analysis
Looker Studio also has a search or keyword intent analysis facility. Keyword intent is what a searcher looks for when he uses a keyword.
A keyword or search intent analysis helps an SEO executive understand what the target audience looks for and create relevant content to attract and engage the users.
Page Type Analysis
A page type analysis helps an SEO executive understand and evaluate his clients’ pages and how the users interact with them.
This valuable insight may help the executive launch a better SEO campaign and improve the clients’ web pages’ SERP ranking and user experience.
The Keyword Cannibalisation Analysis
The keyword cannibalisation is a serious SEO issue. It occurs when multiple pages on a website compete for the same or similar keywords.
This may seriously harm the effectiveness of an SEO campaign as competing pages on the same website will cancel out the ranking scope of each other as they will fight for the same keyword in search engines.
Looker Studio offers an excellent keyword cannibalisation analysis that will help an SEO executive address this serious local SEO issue and improve the rankability of his clients’ websites.
Local SEO Looker Studio report helps local SEO executives launch a robust campaign or improve the existing SEO drive.
Seamless integration of various important SEO tools like Google Analytics Google Sheets into this free tool from Google can produce visualisation for a better Business Intelligence.
From competitor analysis to page type analysis, Looker Studio has become a go-to local SEO tool for SEO executives.
Q. What is the local SEO Looker Studio report?
A. It is a visual representation of an SEO campaign analysis.
Q. How can it benefit SEO?
A. By providing detailed and easy analysis of a business’s KPIs, Looker Studio can offer valuable SEO insights.
Q. Is Looker Studio free?
A. Yes. There is also a paid version though.
Q. Who developed Looker Studio?
A. Google developed this free and useful SEO tool.