5 White Hat Link Building Ben A Roo​ Strategies That Work Wonders in 2025

Jaylin Khan

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Digital Marketing

White hat link building Ben A Roo refers to ethical and effective backlink building strategies recommended by eminent data scientist and AI specialist Ben Van Roo.

Backlinks are a top ranking metric for search engines like Google. So SEO executives will give their eyeteeth to build a healthy backlink profile for their sites.

But the road to a healthy backlink profile is fraught with difficulties and pitfalls. 

In this Innocams blog post I’ll discuss 5 effective link building strategies laid down by Ben that can skyrocket your SEO performance.

Some Relevant Technical Terms and Their Meanings

Technical TermMeaning
White hat link building An SEO process of getting high-quality backlinks following Google’s guidelines.
BacklinksLinks to your pages from other domains.
Referring siteThe site that gives you a backlink is called the referring site.
Dofollow backlinksBacklinks that allow Google to follow a site and pass on the link juice to it are called dofollow backlinks.
Link juice (also called link equity)When an authority site gives you a backlink it accepts you as an authority too. This acceptance is called link juice.
Google Search EssentialsA set of rules laid down by Google that websites must adhere to if they want to get ranked by the search engine in its SERPs.
Link scamAny unethical practice of acquiring backlinks through methods prohibited by Google is called a link scam.
Paid linksBacklinks that are acquired by paying someone are called paid links. 
Link farmA link scam where a group of websites exchange lots of backlinks with one another to boost their SERP rankings artificially.
PBN (Private Blog Network) linksBacklinks to a particular website from a group of computers intended to boost that target site’s ranking are called PBN links. This is a punishable link scam.
Guest bloggingWhen a site owner writes for another site to get backlinks from it, it is called guest blogging.
Evergreen contentContent like how-to guides that remains relevant for a long time is called evergreen content.
Resource pagesA resource page on a website is a page that contains links to other valuable sites, tools or other relevant resources.
Link rotOver time, backlinks don’t work due to various reasons and can’t point to the pages they were linked to. This is called link rot. It can cause serious technical issues.
SEO (search Engine Optimisation)The process of helping a web page rank high in search results.
SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages)Pages that a search engine returns against a search query are called SERPs.

Role of Backlinks in SEO

Reputed authority sites link their pages to yours through a backlink so their users can get valuable additional information. 

The referring site must be relevant to your niche. This means it is your competitor.

Since the referring site is an authority in your niche, Google takes it for granted that your content is so good that even your competitors are being forced to refer their users to it. This will make Google take you seriously and chances are fat that your pages will get a high SERP ranking. 

This is why one of the key SEO strategies is to get high-quality backlinks from great sites.

What is White Hat Link Building

But since backlinks are so important, unscrupulous people and agencies adopt several unethical methods to get them. 

Google is also wide awake to this menace. That’s why a major job of its algorithms is to sniff out these people and agencies so the search engine giant can punish them.

These algorithms are so good at their job that it is impossible to trick them and serious punishment for indulging in this kind of malpractice is almost certain.

White hat link building is the process of getting backlinks ethically and in consonance with Google’s link building guidelines so it can gladly give you a higher ranking in its SERPs.

Who is Ben A Roo?

White hat link building Ben A Roo means the processes, recommended by Ben Van Roo, to get these valuable backlinks ethically. 

Ben Van Roo, also known as Ben A Roo, is an American technology expert, specialising in artificial intelligence (AI) and US defence systems. 

He is currently the CEO of Yurts Technologies INC, a San Francisco-based AI-powered platform for techies. 

How the initial of his middle name became A from V no one knows. But it got stuck and we’ll take it for granted. 

Hundreds of SEO executives are employing these link building strategies of Ben and getting excellent results. 

So will you. 

Backlinks That Matter

Though backlinks are important SERP ranking metrics, not all of them carry the same weight. Here are some qualities of a backlink that Google loves: 

It is a Dofollow Backlink

A dofollow backlink passes full link juice to your site. It means the referring site is telling Google that your content is of a high-quality and allowing it to evaluate your pages for high SERP status.

It Occurs Naturally

The backlink will have contextual relevance. That means it will be inserted in the section of the referring page that is contextually relevant to your content. 

It Comes From an Ace Source

To yield the maximum SEO benefit, the backlink must come from a reputed and authority site in your niche area. Backlinks coming from low quality disreputable sources will not only be ineffectual, but can even harm your SEO endeavours.

These three types of backlinks are strongly recommended in white hat link building Ben A Roo.

White Hat Link Building: Difficulties

People often resort to unethical practices prohibited by Google, risking severe punishment, to get backlinks because these links are most difficult to come. In the following paragraphs I’ll make it clear to you why it is so difficult to get a high quality backlink.

Because They Come From Your Enemies

Suppose you write about SEO. A backlink to be useful to you will have to come from an authority on SEO, not on rocket science. 

And since you two belong to the same niche he is your competitor. Why should someone who wants to beat you to it and rank higher than you in the SERP will give you a backlink that may give you a higher ranking than him?

Get the photo? 

Because Your Content is a King

To extract a backlink from one of your enemies, you need to have content so good that your competitors can’t but refer their users to you for more relevant information. 

And building such outstanding linkable assets is never easy. It is the job of a maestro, before whom even his competitors will genuflect. 

Because Relationships Matter

One way to go about it, according to Ben V Roo, is to forge strong and lasting relationships with the major player in your niche.

Sounds nice but difficult. 

To build this kind of relationship with authorities in your niche takes patience that will make Job weep with envy, persistent efforts that will make Thomas Edison roll over in his grave and intelligence that will make Albert Einstein scream from frustration.

Because You Can’t Sleep

Even if you get good backlinks, you need to be always alert and regularly check your link profile to address issues like link rot and links from low grade sites. 

Regular monitoring will help you update your pages in case of link rot and get rid of links from disreputable sites. Remember, having no backlinks is better than getting lots of links from dubious sites with questionable reputation as they can harm your SEO and attract Google’s wrath.

Benefits of White Hat Link Building

White hat link building Ben A Roo insights reveal that white hat or ethical link building yields several benefits for a site. This link building process takes time, patience and perseverance but if done properly, the results are rewarding. The rewards include:

  • Higher SERP ranking.
  • Better search visibility.
  • Links from reputed sites automatically better your standing with Google due to link juice.
  • More traffic to your sites through those backlinks.
  • More traffic may translate into more conversions and probably more profits.
  • White hat link building involves creating high-value content which increases your brand’s reputation among users.
  • No risk of getting punished by Google.

White hat link building Ben A Roo: Don’ts

Before I discuss SEO strategies Ben A Roo recommends for white hat link building, I’ll tell you what he absolutely prohibits you from doing while building your link profile. 

The following backlinks you can do well without. They are called blacklinks or toxic backlinks as they come from processes and sources Google hates. 

Stay Away From Paid Links

Paying someone to get a backlink from him is called a link scam and this practice is fully against Google Search Essentials. On detection, a serious penalty may come your way.

Be Careful of Link Farms

Google can’t stand link farms as it considers them to be a black hat link building tactic to befool its beloved search algorithms. Detection, which is certain, may attract punishment like de-indexing. 

Say No to PBN Links

A recent study by a reputed website development company revealed that PBN links are a major reason for link penalisation by Google and other search engines. Google thinks this practice is a link scam and promptly punishes sites that build their link profile this unethical way. 

Apart from the abovementioned backlinks, White hat link building Ben A Roo also suggests not to go for the following links.

  • Links from irrelevant sources. Good backlinks must come from sites in your niche. Lots of links from Irrelevant sources will make Google suspicious. At the best, it will ignore such links and at the worst it may even penalise you.
  • You should also avoid links from relevant but low-grade sources or sources with bad reputation as they may harm your SEO performance.
  • Don’t place links in irrelevant discussion posts and forums because Google thinks it is a black hat link building strategy.
  • Don’t get listed in spammy directories to get backlinks. These links will do you no good, even may harm your standing with Google.

5 White hat link building Ben A Roo Strategies

Now we’ll discuss the five white hat link building strategies recommended by Ben A Roo. This eminent SEO and AI expert observes that proper, ethical and patient implementation of these tactics will ensure better SERP ranking for your pages.

1. Create Linkable Assets

Create high-quality content so it will attract backlinks from reputed sites naturally. Your content should be so good that it will stun your competitors into linking their pages to yours.

The content should be absolutely relevant to your niche and valuable to people who want that kind of information. Ben A Roo suggests you may focus on high-quality evergreen content that will get strong backlinks continuously. 

2. Do Some Guest Blogging

Contact owners of reputed websites and blog sites and offer to write a few posts for their sites to get some valuable backlinks. If you are an efficient writer, they usually accept your offer and give you some backlinks.

Again, the sites you approach must be reputed authoritative and in your niche. However, you should not write for only one site regularly, according to White hat link building Ben A Roo tactics. Getting a lot of links from a single site may make Google suspicious of a toxic link exchange tactic.

3. Apply Skyscraper Technique

This is an aggressive white hat link building technique that may yield good results. Identify high-ranking content and then create even better content on the same topic. 

Then reach out to sites that give links to the original content and ask them to give you links too as your stuff is better. You will be amazed how effective this strategy is in roping in some seriously useful backlinks. 

The trick here is to identify a topic that you understand inside out. This knowledge will help you create linkable high-quality content.

4. Get Into Resource Pages

Search out to websites that have resource pages related to your expertise and then ask the site owners to include your site in their resource pages.

Your content is great and valuable to your niche and there is no reason why they won’t comply because your stuff will enrich their resource pages.

5. Forge Bonds with the Best

The final strategy in White hat link building Ben A Roo recommendations is based on human relationship.

You’ve created outstanding content. Now go out there and talk to the authorities in your niche and build lasting and strong relationships with them. Be courageous. Remember everyone wants to be friendly with an efficient high-value man like you. 

This friendship with the best will get you some high-quality backlinks from the people who matter in your niche. But don’t be a taker always. Give them some backlinks too. Give-and-take is the cornerstone of any lasting and fruitful relationship.


White hat link building Ben A Roo is a set of ethical SEO techniques that may get you some valuable backlinks from reputed websites in your niche.

These links will help your pages get high visibility in SERPs and boost your business in doing so. 

The key points that Ben A Roo wants you to remember are that your content must be superb, you must be patient and you must work for success tirelessly. 

And yes, be always on the level with Google and never indulge in any toxic link scam. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is white hat link building Ben A Roo?

Ans: It is a set of strategies to get valuable backlinks recommended by industry expert Ben A Roo.

Q2. What is white hat link building?

Ans: White hat link building means getting backlinks from authoritative sites without any unethical means.

Q3. What is a backlink?

Ans: Backlinks are links to your pages from other reputed domains in your niche.

Q4. Who is Ben A Roo?

Ans: Ben A Roo or Ben Van Roo is an eminent SEO expert, data scientist and AI authority based in San Francisco, the US. ”

About Jaylin Khan

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